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Walkway designs in NJ range from subtle, meandering pathways to outrageously vibrant stones and pavers. They’re the perfect combination of form and function, helping us get from one place to another in delightful or decadent ways. So if you’re thinking of adding walkway landscapes to a New Jersey home or business, we have a few suggestions to help you create the perfect look for your space.

Natural Stone: Most yards have a natural décor; shouldn’t your walkway landscape ideas follow the same pattern? Natural stone looks like it belongs in a yard filled with grass, trees and/or flowers. But walkway designs in NJ often include stone for less natural looking landscapes, too, as larger pieces offset gravel or hardscapes beautifully. And because natural stone is so popular in walkway landscape ideas, you can find the right choice for you almost anywhere.

Bricks: For people with older, more traditional homes, or for those who have outdoor living spaces, walkway landscapes in New Jersey often include bricks. Easy to clean and difficult to break, well-placed brick walkways are an easy way to add color and vibrancy to any outdoor space. Like natural stones, bricks are widely available for purchase and come in a variety of hues.

Concrete: Concrete? Really? Absolutely! For more modern walkway landscapes in New Jersey, concrete is the way to go. This durable material is less expensive than some other options, and certainly makes a statement. Plus, concrete can be poured in larger slabs for wider walkways, and can be painted in a variety of colors. Be aware, however, that concrete should be poured by a professional; if it’s not level, it can crack.

Ceramic: If you’re looking at walkway landscape ideas for unused paths, a heavy ceramic might be just what you’re looking for. Ceramic has gotten much stronger in recent years, but it’s not a good material for high volume walkways. However, if your walkway designs for NJ homes or businesses are purely for show, ceramic is a viable option. Just be sure to remember that the ceramic will need some extra TLC to keep it safe and beautiful through inclement weather.

Flowerbeds: All of our other suggestions for walkway landscapes for New Jersey homes and businesses dealt with creating a walkway – but flowerbeds are a great way to highlight an existing path! If your property has a well-worn foot path or pre-existing stones, you’ll need something to line the walkway landscapes. New Jersey is a great place for hikes, too, so natural or man-made trails are common. We suggest lining them with bright flowers or colorful gravel to highlight their purpose while retaining their natural beauty.

Walkway Landscapes in New Jersey

There are plenty of wonderful walkway landscape ideas out there: all you have to do is dream them up! Call Jersey Landscaping, LLC today so we can begin working with you to create gorgeous walkway designs for your New Jersey home or business. For more information on our designs, or to see examples of our completed walkway landscapes in New Jersey contact us today. You can even get a FREE ESTIMATE on your landscaping project, so fill out our web form at the top of the page or call us at 732-462-4289.