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What to Look for and What to Look OUT for:
One of the great joys of homeownership is coming up with landscaping ideas: finally, it’s possible to have that perfect lawn that’s been so elusive! But for some people, planning a landscaping project can be overwhelming, frustrating, or even a bit frightening. Even for the most experienced homeowner, planning a landscaping project requires a lot of work. So we’re happy to offer some landscaping tips for New Jersey homeowners, to keep outdoor projects moving in the right direction.

Landscape DOs:

Make a plan before starting on any project. Oftentimes, what looks good on paper might not turn out so well once construction has begun – and that’s something homeowners DON’T want to discover halfway through a project.
Take care of hardscapes first. They’re often the biggest pieces – and the biggest expense – for any landscaping project, so it’s best to work around them, both physically and monetarily.
Make sure walkways are both pretty and functional. Whether using pavers, bricks, natural stones or even concrete, it’s a space where people notice what’s under their feet as well as what’s around them.
Remember that color is not just for Spring! Fall foliage is, perhaps, the most beautiful there is. So while everyone else’s landscaping is turning a dull shade of brown, a properly landscaped home could be surrounded by decadent, deep reds and bright ochers. And the burst of green and red from winter firs and hollies adds sparkle to any landscaping ideas. NJ is rich in flora that will shine during all four seasons.
Plant in layers. One-dimensional beds and stones are dull. By using fewer pieces that reach different levels, it’ll draw eyes to the entire yard, not just the traditional flower beds.

Landscape DON’Ts:

Plant trees too closely to the house or driveway – especially in an area with a lot of groundwater. Eventually, those tree roots might come to the surface – and the expense of re-seeding a lawn is nothing compared to the expense of fixing a home’s foundation. Plus, severe weather patterns could cause leaves to shake loose and tree limbs to break. By planting trees farther away from a structure, homeowners won’t have to worry about broken windows or clogged gutters.
Allow ivy to come near the home; it’ll destroy most foundations. If using ivy is fundamental, make sure to build a structure over which it can climb. Natural ivy canopies are gorgeous, but they’re best kept away from structural walls.
Let the landscaping overwhelm the house: bigger isn’t always better. Giant trees, full-sized hedges or even an excessive amount of flowers could make a home and yard looked cramped.
Be afraid to reduce the size of the lawn. Sprawling green lawns are pretty, but they can take a hefty chunk out of a wallet for seed, fertilizer, weed killer and water. Small decorative rocks, low-lying shrubs and low stone walls can add depth to the yard without breaking the bank, and are easier to care for than grass.

More Landscaping Tips for New Jersey Homes

When planning a landscaping project, keep in mind that any additions should accentuate the home, not detract from it. There are some beautiful landscaping ideas for NJ homes out there, so feel free to “steal” from neighbors, friends, or home and garden magazines. If professional guidance is in the budget, contact a licensed contractor to help make that dream landscaping project a reality.