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Wondering what your lawn needs in order to thrive throughout the hot summer months? Follow these summer landscaping tips and you’ll have more opportunities to appreciate your outdoor space, since you’ll be doing less landscaping work.

Tips for Landscaping & Lawn Care During Hot Weather

  • Water your lawn The hot sun beating down on your lawn all day can make it turn dry and brown. Keep your lawn hydrated with consistent watering. Most lawns need 1 to 1.5 inches of water per week—either from rain or watering—to deeply soak the soil.
    • Never water your lawn in the morning. This can cause the water to evaporate before seeping into the roots.
    • Keep the roots hydrated, but you don’t want to overwater and flood the grass.
  • Mow your lawn When it comes to lawn care during hot weather, one of the most important tasks is mowing. Don’t be tempted to mow as short as possible, as this can be damaging, especially in the summer months. The taller blades of grass offer protection from the sun and keep the roots from being exposed. Mowing too close to the ground also makes your lawn susceptible to disease.
  • Control weeds Prevent weeds from overtaking your lawn by making sure they never have a chance to grow in the first place. Using the right herbicides at the right times will almost always result in fewer weeds altogether.
  • Make use of clippings One of the less known summer landscaping tips is to resist throwing away the clippings after mowing. Instead, leave the clippings on the grass and allow them to break down so there are even more nutrients to take in.
  • Fertilize In the summer, fertilizer delivers much-needed nutrients to your grass and plants during a time when the elements are harshest. It also ensures your lawn stays healthy and green.

Partner with a Professional Landscaping Company

The best way to handle your lawn care during hot weather is to put it in the hands of a trusted landscaping company. With knowledge and experience in the area, a New Jersey landscaping company can help you make the most of your outdoor environment.